Planning to share your wine adventures on social media? Flowing through these exquisite wine captions for Instagram is my love for this fine drink. 

My catchy wine captions are perfect for all kinds of pictures. So, whether you are looking for red wine captions, drinking wine captions or witty wine captions, you will find them all here.

99 Lively Wine Captions for Instagram to Uncork Your Creativity

Using the best wine captions can elevate your wine posts on instagram. My collection of creative wine captions for pictures covers all moods from funny to cute and wild:

1. Grill the lamb or roast
with Sauvignon we toast


2. Shhh! Mommy is busy Wine-ing


3. For most days I’m wasted,
A glass of wine keeps me rested.


4. Red, white or sparkling, dear
Let’s toast for another successful year


5. What’s done is done; mistakes can’t be undone.
So why worry, let’s spin some fun.


6. Open bottle, pour wine, drink wine.
It will make you feel good in bad times.


7. Wine Time… Is Any Time!!


8. Women who drink wine are classy, sassy and a bit smart assy.


9. Checking out my Wine-O-Meter


10. From a Wine Nerd’s diary: Pour, Smell, Swirl, Drink, Repeat.


11. When I speak wine I bask in glory…
What’s your wine story?


12. Be wise with Money, Wine and Honey…


13. Tinkling of glasses on a full-moon night,
the clock strikes one and the mystery incites.


14. After a glass or two…
Everything looks new!!

Classy Wine Captions for Instagram

15. When a tired mind needs to unwind,
there’s nothing more sparkly I can find!!


16. What’s on your winelist tonight?


17. You up for a good story?


18. Shiraz, Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon?
Wanna join me, Anyone?


19. Fruity aroma spreading and bubbles rising in the glass
Celebrating life with this versatile Champagne from France. 


20. Sad, melancholy, anger, happy, rude…
there is a wine for every mood


21. Time tends to standstill when I dine
Because I always have a bottle of wine.


22. They said there’s no harm in trying,
And so were invented varieties of wine.


23. Cheers, laughters and lots of booze
Creamy, nutty Crémant I choose


24. For everyone else, life is measured in time
But for me it’s measured in wine.


25. Looking for something yummy, classy and sparkling…
Rosé is the way to go my darling.


26. Reached a milestone but tight on budget…
Drink Cava should you like to celebrate.


27. The diamonds in the glass swoop up and down
Makes me smile when I frown


28. Don’t waste water to quench your thirst when you’ve better choices…

Catchy Wine Captions & Quotes

29. A Wine Snob… Yay or Nay?


30. Did you know Fear of Wine was a real shit..
It’s called ‘Oenophobia’.


31. Be it White or Red
But that’s all I need before going to bed.


32. Invented in France, it leads me to Trance.


33. What is the right position to store wine… Laying Down or Standing Up?


34. Tripping on Wine


35. Wine Hack: Wine makes daily life easy. Period.


36. Looking to pair wine? I’m Free.


37. Ailing in pain…
Pour a glass of Champagne.


38. Wine drinkers have a divine connection.


39. Pinot Noir, perfect for a holiday supper
Or when meeting friends for casual dinners.


40. I Keep drinking
Till undesirable thoughts begin shrinking.


41. I like to sparkle in Red, Rose and White.
What’s your colour choice?


42. Tripping on Wine but Standing Fine

Love Drinking Wine Captions

43. In all its glory,
A wine drinker’s story…


44. Wine & Me… With age we both taste better 


45. My life is Simple… Wine, Food and Friends


46. When life seems to be falling apart
I give it a Riesling start 


47. Caught up in the family drama? Time for a mini break…


48. Bubbles in my tub, Bubbles in my Glass
Enjoying the moment till it lasts.


49. Perfect bottle to unwind before I take on the world


50. Let’s Just Wine For Today 


51. A glass of wine everyday
keeps your heart in place.


52. Did you know Wine-ing can help you fight infections…
Cheers to a healthy life!


53. Shooing my bad-fat away…
a Lame Way


54. Me and my girl gang are like… Gossip, Wine and Soapoperas


55. You still need signs that I’m a Wine Mom


56. Bubbles in my tub, bubbles in my glass
What more could I ask?

Witty Wine Captions & Quotes

57. If you can’t change your boss, change your drink 


58. Behind every calm woman is a Sparkling Wine 


59. It feels to be lost sometimes 


60. Some days I don’t drink to unwind…
I drink to feel alive.


61. Wine Lovers are born throughout the year 


62. A weekend spent lazing in bubbles…


63. Looking for a glass of delicious liquid… Cabernet Sauvignon


64. Bonding over a bottle of Rosé


65. In the crowd I ache, in Silence I heal…


66. Wine-up


67. I am fun when I am Blanc


68. It’s your life… Enlarge


69. When nothing goes fine…Go Wine


70. Work Smarter and Riesling Higher

How Do You Caption a Glass of Wine?

71. The best way to understand a wine is to drink it


72. Sparkling is Contagious. Pass it on 


73. I am a day drinker…
and a night drinker 


74. Don’t be an old stupid… Be an old drunkard.


75. My hobby includes tasting wine wherever I go 


76. Time doesn’t heal shit… But wine does its bit


77. I want to change my vacation to wine-cation 


78. If you see me wasted
This is what I last tasted 


79. Soaking in the vibes


80. Sitting in the Bar…
I am a Riesling Star


81. Things are falling apart
Thank God for a Riesling start


82. A Wine lovers guide
to eating right and drinking light


83. Ready to Winetalk?


84. Let’s Dine with Fine Wine

Savage Wine Captions for Instagram

85. Read-ing and Wine-ing in Style


86. Blanc before the Chaos


87. Great Minds Drink Wine


88. Club Hopping and Wine Hunting


89. Spreading Wines 


90. You look wasted dear
Are you Oaky? 


91. I’m looking for someone who can WineSpeak…


92. A wine nerd is someone who drinks wine at every wine tasting and then whines that there wasn’t enough wine


93. A turkey and wine
Is like a ray of sunshine


94. Wine and Cheese…
Smile Please


95. Sparkle, Twinkle, Glitter or Shimmer
Just pour your Wine


96. Glassy Swag


97. My strategy to Save Water – Drink Wine, Store Water 


98. All Rise and Shine


99. Wine effect..
Screw perfect 

These were my captivating wine captions for instagram. With so many options, I hope you were able to find the perfect one for your wine post.

Prachi Sachdev