Be a part of a driven community of people.

What are you looking for ?

The first and foremost benchmark for a successful Content Creator is an enormous amount of visibility on the web. If you’re somebody who is struggling with visibility  as a Content Creator, we are right here to help you achieve it. Remember, if you are not visible online, the world will never know that you exist. Therefore, learn from us how to enhance your presence online doing what you love.

There are millions of Content Creators around the planet who are talented. But they lack the grasp over ‘how’ ‘when’ and ‘where’ to seize the optimal opportunities and prospects. Do not be a victim of content fatigue. Master your focus and timing. We will make sure that you stay aware of the numerous possibilities that are in store for you.

The journey from starting a blog, a youtube channel, an eBook or a social media account to earning your first dollar is an exciting one. You don’t need to wait years and years to establish monetisation. This can be done at the earliest of you commit yourself 100%. For anyone’s whose struggling with monetization, we’re here to up your game from zero to hundred.

Every content creator has the potential to become an Infopreneur and launch a value driven online business. Therefore invest time and effort in sharing genuine pieces of information with your audience based on your own experience. Prioritise your audience more than anything and contribute to their knowledge by sharing authentic information.







Our lucrative opportunities for Advertisers

Cover Story Feature on Blogging Elementary


If you belong to the world of content and you feel that your story needs to be featured and showcased to the world, contact us.

We will do a background check on your story. If found authentic, we will most certainly share your story with our readers.


$63 per Feature

  • The Cover Story will be polished by us and made fit as per our editorial standards.
  • The Cover Story will be placed on our HomePage for 7 days.
  • We will promote it twice on all our social media handles within 7 days.
  • We will promote it via email to our subscribers.


eBook for Blogging Elementary


If you excel in a skill that is related to Writing, Content or Marketing Online, and have written a E-Book on the same, contact us.

We will buy your E-book, make an assesment of it and evaluate it so as to make sure it benefits our readers. If found qualitative, we will promote it and enhance its reach.


$27 for Display Promotion

  • The E-Book will be marketed on our Home Page for 3 days.

$47 for Community Promotion

  • The E-Book will be marketed on our Community Forum for 5 days.


Display Advertising for Blogging Elementary


If you are a Website Owner, a Brand, a Service Provider or an Organization that would like to pitch yourself to our readers, contact us.

We will endorse you to our entire community of users if you come across as authentic, qualitative and value driven.


$149 for Home Page

  • The Display Ad will be placed on the highest CTR position on our Homepage for a period of 21 days. If you need an extension on the time frame, an extra $22 will be charged for every 24 hours.
  • You can choose to get the Ad created by us or create it yourself.

$189 for Community Forum

Code of Conduct

Blogging Elementary earnestly follows a ‘welcome all, mentor all’ policy. We do not discriminate individuals on the basis of gender, race, religion, caste, community, creed, nationality or colour. Therefore, any person exhibiting prejudice or bigotry on this platform will be blacklisted permanently.